DB98 CASED RIZZINI 3-BARREL SET OF 20 GAUGE 20 GAUGE AND 410; Gun is beautifully done with matted vent ribs on all 3. Each has it’s own forearm. The buttstock is fantastic. A beautiful piece of Circassian Walnut with high contrast to the grain. It measures DAC 1-1/2 DAH 2 LOP 14-1/2. Overall gun is as new. Test fired only. Virtually all the blue and vivid case colors. Top of the receiver is deeply engraved. Single trigger. Selective barrels; 30 inch 20 gauge barrels have screw in choke tubes, 28 inch 20 gauge Barrels are choked I&M, or 28 inch 410 Barrels are choked F&I. All nicely fitted in a Rizzini marked case. Real nice outfit.
MODERN $ 11,500.