JM1496 MARLIN BALLARD SCHUETZEN STYLE RIFLE CALIBER 32-40; Original 30 inch half octagon barrel with a good bore that would benefit from a good cleaning. It features a front globe sight,a folding tang sight, but no barrel sight evident. It looks like there was a scope block on it at some point and one of the scope blocks is missing. It is a pistol grip checkered deluxe walnut wood stalk with a cheek piece which is in good condition. There is some wear the checkering complete with a Swiss style buttplate. Forearms is also checkered but it shows a lot of wear. It’s trigger being a Double Set Trigger, all seems to function okay. Includes a shooting box with the name John Seavers decoratively painted black and gold on the top. On the inside is storage to accommodate 150 some bullets. Also with a brass handle on top. It is also accompanied by a 32 caliber bullet mold, ideal powder and measure (RARE) and various reloading tools for the 32-40. Also includes an article about this gun was used for a turkey shoot by various people, and was sold at the black smith shop in Wisconsin just south of Clinton, Wisconsin. Although it looks well used will function well. Has half the original blue on the barrel and good traces of case color on the receiver with nice clean metal.
ANTIQUE $ 3,975.