C409 “U.S.C.CO.” MARKED ETCHED PANEL COLT NEW LINE REVOLVER IN CALIBER 38 CF; 2-1/4 inch barrel with “Colt New .38” faintly on the left side as well as the Hartford address on the top. Traces of blue in protected areas. Muzzle has some dings at the end. Frame has traces of case color and is marked on the left rear with “U.S.C. Co.” Spur trigger. Rosewood grips that have handling mars and a “94” faintly stamped on the left and more clearly on the right side. Crisp tight action. Second Model 5 shot revolver with the long cylinder flutes. Manufactured about 1876. Colt Industries letter states that there are no records available for this gun as they were either lost or destroyed.
ANTIQUE $ 1,495.