JM1561 BEAUTIFUL MARLIN BALLARD No. 6-1/2 OFF HAND RIFLE IN CALIBER 28-30; Fitted with a period Stevens barrel in 28-30 caliber. The most interesting thing is that it has the same flares to round at the breech as the original Ballard barrels do. Fine bright shiny excellent bore. Barrel has about 60-70% blue remaining. Windgauge target globe front with a mid-range Vernier folding tang sight. Barrel is also tapped for scope blocks. Holes have been neatly plugged. Single trigger. Factory engraved in Ballard’s usual style. Receiver is mostly a nickel color with good traces of case color. Circasian style walnut is in fine condition with sharp checkering and a Swiss buttplate. An attractive Stevens-barreled No. 6-1/2 Ballard.
ANTIQUE $ 6,975.