
54 caliber. 3-1/4 inch smooth bore octagon barrel with a good lightly oxidized bore. The metal surfaces of this pistol are mostly gunmetal color. Barrel retains very strong etched damascus-style pattern throughout. The frame is engraved with geometric borders. All of the metal surfaces show some minor freckling One-piece black stained walnut grips that show some wear to the edges. Motiff carved on the left looks to have had a repair. Comes with a form fitted case. Quite a unique piece!


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MHG867 UNMARKED EUROPEAN PERCUSSION COAT PISTOL; 54 caliber. 3-1/4 inch smooth bore octagon barrel with a good lightly oxidized bore. The metal surfaces of this pistol are mostly gunmetal color. Barrel retains very strong etched damascus-style pattern throughout. The frame is engraved with geometric borders. All of the metal surfaces show some minor freckling One-piece black stained walnut grips that show some wear to the edges. Motiff carved on the left looks to have had a repair. Comes with a form fitted case. Quite a unique piece!

ANTIQUE   $ 895.