W3864 OUTSTANDING FACTORY ENGRAVED WINCHESTER MODEL 1876 DELUXE RIFLE IN 50 EXPRESS; Gun is just fantastic with 26 inch round barrel chambered in the desirable 50-95 Express caliber with button magazine and a bright shiny excellent bore. Most all original barrel blue remains. The raised matted rib is not included in the letter but could not have been applied later so it has to be original. Blade front and sporting rear sights. 50 Express marked dust cover and elevator. Bright vivid case colors on the hammer, lever and receiver. Engraved hammer, lever and forend cap. Fancy checkered walnut pistolgrip stocks are in beautiful condition with most all of the high gloss lacquer finish remaining and a hard rubber shotgun butt. Checkering has very little wear. Factory letter states: Rifle, Express, Round barrel, Plain trigger, Checkered stock, Pistol grip, Platinum lines rear and front sights, Shotgun butt, Rubber butt plate, Casehardened, Engraved $2.50. Action is crisp and tight. Only 54 of the 50 caliber rifles had a Matted Barrel and only 3 rifles had the $2.50 engraving. This is a real beauty!
ANTIQUE $ 85,000.